Saturday, August 15, 2009


Several years back, Yale Law Professor Stephen Carter published a widely discussed book that went by the simple title CIVILITY. Among its many helpful points is the simple one that our society has lost the fine art of engaging in civil discussion and disagreement. He notes well that constitutionally protected speech is not to be confused with helpful and worthwhile speech.

I thought of Carter's work this week as I witnessed some of the public reactions at various Town Hall meetings centered on the health care debate. Interruption and insult are a central, integral part of the agenda of too many participants in these sessions.

While my opinions of WHAT they are saying are certainly colored by where I stand in this debate, this issue of CIVILITY is a separate one. I find myself longing for days when liberals and conservatives and all of those in the middle could have reasoned conversation over those matters about which they disagree.

This problem, made manifest recently in respect to this issue, is a real problem within the Christian church as well........

How can we disagree without being disagreeable?

It's pretty important, wouldn't you say?


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