Thursday, April 30, 2009

JUDGMENT AND attempt to go indepth.....

Please read my response after Comment # 13 in my Senate Bill 899 posting......


I wish I understood.......

One of the readers of this blog, in responding to the MANY comments concerning my post on the Senate Bill codifying marriage equality in Connecticut, wrote that he/she found the discussion, in my paraphrased understanding, to be an unfortunate expenditure of energy.....

Here's my take.....

For SOME REASON, the posts that get the MOST reaction are the ones having to do with homosexuality. On this page, I have posts offering reflections on EASTER, SPIRITUAL PRACTICES, and FAVORITE HYMNS...hymns which are spiritually meaningful......and these posts have drawn ZERO responses..........

Mention homosexuality.........and the WALLS come tumbling down....

A couple of responders offer insights regarding why this is so.......

Within a few minutes of posting this, I will put something else on this blog which responds specifically and thoroughly----


Friday, April 24, 2009

' In things certain, unity; In things uncertain, liberty; In all things, charity'

This week, I have received a few ANONYMOUS comments on this blog which have called into question my ministry as a Pastor because of my perceived positions on certain issues.

Apart from the license that the use of ANONYMITY provides those who wish to attack fellow Christians, I'm troubled that there are some within the Christian community who believe that unless you see the world EXACTLY as they do, that you are somehow underserving of the name Christian, much less the ministry of Pastor.

Accept this entry as a plea to return to the spirit expressed in this quotation from St. Augustine, quoted at the start of Vatican II by John XXIII...

May the sarcastic takeoff on the famous hymn, a takeoff coined by Robert McAfee Brown, prove NOT to be real within the Christian world:



Wednesday, April 22, 2009


In my view, in light of the Connecticut State Supreme Court decision, it is important that Bill # 899 pass. I find it sad that so many religious groups are spending such time lobbying against this bill. There is NO THREAT to religious freedom involved here at all. If a priest or minister or his/her church does NOT allow same sex marriage, there is NO REQUIREMENT that he/she perform the ceremony.
The matter of justices of the peace and private businesses is a different one. A JP is required to carry out the laws of the state and a private business may NOT discriminate in its business practices e.g. a catering service cannot decide to reject business from interracial couples or from certain ethnic groups. Bill 899 codifies the Supreme Court decision and implements that which has been established by law.

The attempt to circumvent the law, so unsuccessful in the referendum for a constitutional convention, is a sad misuse of time by religious groups. Unfortunately, it also conveys the impression that these groups are quite comfortable with discriminatory policies in the name of religious doctrine. Sad....

Monday, April 20, 2009


Readers of this blog are well aware that I'm a big fan of Susan Campbell, columnist for the Hartford Courant and author of the wonderful book DATING JESUS. Ms. Campbell is a voice of conscience who places before us issues that we really need to confront. Her impassioned pleas for action on behalf of the homeless and hungry have been both necessary and thought provoking!

If you still have access to yesterday's Courant, check out her column on the Boy Scouts of America and their policy regarding homosexuals in positions of leadership. What is most noteworthy about this column is that Ms. Campbell speaks so positively and from personal experience about the good work the Boy Scouts have done. In my view, this wonderful work makes this policy of discrimination all the more troubling!

In my ministry at church, I have been pleased and proud to be present as members of my congregation have received their Eagle Scout awards. I just wish that this organization which does such good work would seriously reexamine a questionable policy, one that detracts terribly from the good work they do. Actually, I wish they would learn a lesson from the Girl Scouts and promote a more enlightened and just approach to human sexuality in this place and time.

Once again, thanks to Susan Campbell!


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Wishing all readers a HAPPY EASTER! As you celebrate this day and reflect on the life and death and ETERNAL LIFE of Jesus, may you find HOPE for each day and confidence in the future! May we be ever more motivated to live lives based on the teachings of Jesus, even when those teachings run so contrary to the powers and principalities of this world!


Pastor Bob

Friday, April 3, 2009

Grateful for Notre Dame

The renowned Catholic university, The University of Notre Dame, recently invited President Obama to deliver the commencement address. This invitation triggered an onslaught of opposition from more 'traditional' Catholics, claiming that in tendering this invitation, Notre Dame was acting contrary to the 'pro life' teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The local Bishop made known his intention to boycott the graduation because of ND's action.

As for me, I am heartened that Notre Dame has held firm in its commitment to the values of intellectual inquiry, academic freedom and engagement with those with whom one might disagree in some areas. The Catholic church has a proud collegiate intellectual tradition exemplied by such schools as Notre Dame, Georgetown and my alma mater, Holy Cross. In acting as they did, the leaders of this great university exemplified the finest in a wonderful tradition.....


With thanks for my Catholic childhood

Though many years back, I made a decision in my heart and soul to leave the Roman Catholic Church, I remain deeply grateful for the life I lived within it. Perhaps at no time do I feel it more deeply than when we enter into HOLY WEEK each year. In my Catholic boyhood, there was a sense of SACRED TIME about HOLY WEEK, a sense i have never lost and one which I have learned that Protestant Christians so deeply value and claim.

I'll talk about that a little bit in church this Sunday, but for now, I will just say that the sense of sacred time and space is so vital to the religious experience and most assuredly to our life expressions as followers of Jesus.

My Catholic childhood drew me closer to what Jesus did for me and God's world during that first holy Week~~and for that, I feel I shall be eternally grateful...

I'd be happy to explain more...