Sunday, August 2, 2009


A few months ago the book AMISH GRACE made a great impression on me. It ended up as my suggested summer reading book for our church......( By the way, we will discuss it after worship on SEPTEMBER 13)..

I've decided to spend some time this week rereading it in preparation for Sunday's sermon LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD, a message in which I will focus on forgiveness as theological and practical reality....

As I will say in the sermon, I continue to be concerned with the way vengeance is so readily accepted........I also continue to believe that we have all too closely aligned justice and vengeance, the case of the death penalty being the most obvious and sad example....

If you can......I hope you consider reading AMISH GRACE......fascinating!!



Anonymous said...

I will look into this book. By the way I just finished your recommendation Abide by Me. I thought it was a fantastic book to exemplify the topic of Grace. How God works mysteriously within and through imperfect people and often times those whom one would least expect to be the agents of grace. It blows away debates over cheap grace vs grace with repentenance. Grace is always undeserved many times unexpected.

Pastor Bob's Blog said...

Isn't it a wonderful book? I still need to get to wife has it here in the house too!

I'm immersed in a wonderful bio of John XXIII which does a beautiful job of summarizing church history and my reread of AMISH GRACE...

Thanks for writing...


Pastor Bob's Blog said...

This suggested topic was helpful....

I hope congregation members continue to offer suggestions for meaningful topics-

Pastor Bob

Anonymous said...

I am mid way through a novel " The Help" by Katherine Stockett. It takes place in the civil rights era Mississippi and it tells the story fom the persective of Black household help. In light of previous blogs on race it shows how attitudes towards blacks were so entrenced even up to a generation ago. It would be a great book to dive into and discuss on many levels