Friday, September 11, 2009



Those numbers alone evoke memories and emotion. September 11, 2001 has become a day so unlike all of the ordinary days of our lives, so different from most of the days which constitute that which we call history. It is important that we pause today to remember those innocents so unjustly taken away, to give thanks for heroic deeds done by heroic people, to acknowledge the pain of those who continue to suffer such grievous loss, to consider the ways in which this world can find a way to live the way God intended us to....

The very first chapter of the Bible's very first book reminds us that:

' God saw what God made.....and it was good'

Years after this awful tragedy, God's world goes on and God's people seek a world built on the promise of God's original blessing....

As we recall the events of a day we must never forget, may Tennyson's words hold true:

' Come, my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world'

Pastor Bob


Donna said...

Interestingly it was immediately after the events of 9/11 that I began to explore religion personally. Before that I'd have to say that organized religion did not play a huge role in my life. I needed to travel into NYC by train from New Jersey within a few weeks after the event took place. That particular part of New Jersey is quite diverse in terms of cultures , nationality and religious beliefs. There is a large muslim population as well as Hindu population. I was very much struck by how we were all in the same boat so to speak going about our day to day business in the aftermath of that horrific tragedy how we had to " coexist". I thought about how doctors in the war ridden zone between Israel and Palestine had to come together and work together towards the common goal of taking care of people regardless of their faith or nationality. Somehow- I haven't quite figured out how- I would like very much to be involved in dialogue about this.

Pastor Bob's Blog said...

This is such a powerful statement! I hope many read it...