Saturday, December 13, 2008


' MARY, DID YOU KNOW?' has become an immensely popular song around Christmastime, with considerable popularity among those who espouse a Protestant approach to Christianity, perhaps especially among evangelicals. It was not that long ago when Mary was underappreciated among Protestants and when one of the real dividing points between Catholics and Protestants had to do with what the other believed about Mary.

I remember back when I was young how Catholics were often taught that Protestants didn't 'believe in Mary' and when Protestants were taught how Catholics 'worshiped Mary and put her on too high a pedestal.'

It seems to me that perhaps we have reached a point in which we can appreciate Mary as an amazing figure in the Christian story. On the Fourth Sunday of Advent in our church, we will hear a moving sung version of Mary's MAGNIFICAT from the Gospel according to Luke, in which we see Mary as really fulfilling her role in what can best be described as humanity's liberation.

Mary is an amazing model of fidelity to God and of trust in God despite some pretty frightening adverse conditions. As the mother of Jesus, her role as his teacher and guide was truly an incredible one.

While even to this day, there remain theological differences among Christians regarding Mary, differences I will be happy to touch upon when asked, it's important around Christmastime to honor Mary's place in this remarkable story and to find points of consensus among Christians about this remarkable young woman.

I will be happy to write more, but, for now....enjoy the song:

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