Monday, December 8, 2008


As I was enjoying a wonderful Advent weekend at my church, a weekend filled with vitality and life, several ideas about churches struck me:

1. Churches come in all shapes and sizes
2. What is often not realized is that MOST of the churches in this country are what we would call SMALL churches and a large number of SMALL churches are in SMALL towns.
3. So often, LARGE churches have to find creative ways to seem smaller and more personal to members and guests. In a real way, small churches have a built in advantage in this regard.

Yet an overriding thought came to me also:

That the worldwide Christian church NEEDS small churches that are SMALL, PROGRESSIVE and ALIVE:

- Small: personal, with a sense of connection and community.

-Progressive- open and hospitable, clear about conveying the message that one can be deeply united even when living side by side with those of differing views, churches built on the deep, deep love of Jesus as foundation for the incredible respect it gives to fellow seekers of that which is good and true, a sense of MISSION to those beyond its walls. A church in which DIALOGUE based on respect and trust is essential.

- Alive-multigenerational, filled with constructive, unifying activity, opportunities to sing and to experience the very best in worship-good preaching, reverent prayer, a variety of worship styles, active, conscious participation in worship leadership.....

As sad as it is to say, many folks are lost in the big, wide world of churches these days- They feel disconnected or unwanted or judged so negatively they would never set a foot within...

Sad at Christmas...
Sad always, really..

The Christian world needs the small churches that dot our nation's landscapes- churches that are warm, hospitable, filled with energy and reaching out with an astonishing sense of WELCOME!

In this season of PEACE and LOVE and HOPE and JOY, please pray for America's little churches.....churches with a very big mission...

..............and please keep the Congregational Chucrh of Union, Connecticut,UCC, in your prayers as you do..

Pastor Bob

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