Sunday, February 8, 2009


These words are important in our church community. It is unfortunate that all too often people do not associate the words 'church' and 'welcoming', often feeling uncomfortable around and threatened by 'religious' people who strike a posture of self righteousness.

Marty Haugen's song ALL ARE WELCOME puts it all on the line......I hope you sing it wherever you worship......If you don't know it, check it out here:

In my view, it is important that those who experience guilt because of past sins find forgiveness in the Christian community, that those who feel like 'outcasts and strangers' feel at home when they come to church. It's important that those who have been explicitly discriminated against, often in the name of religion, including homosexual Christians, find a place in the local church where they can pray, work and experience the incrdible presence of God.

In the Christian lectionary next week, there is a story of Jesus encountering a leper. May His church in this age reach out to those who have been cast aside, even in religion's name, with the hospitable welcome He did, a welcome born of an amazing LOVE-


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