Monday, March 9, 2009

So, what do you make of this number??

How do you evaluate this number? Traditional mainline Protestantism has dwindled to about 12 % of the population. Many mainline churches, including Congregational, UCC, Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist.....have had to close or merge. What do you see as the future of the 'mainline' church?

I have my opinions...but I'd love to hear or read yours...



Anonymous said...

I think the mainline church has to have moreof a voice. So many issues in the media are polarized between extreme fundimentalism and atheism. We need to be less afraid of offending people and more sure of expressing out beliefs. Perhaps we need to be more clear within ourselves and a church about what our beliefs really are.

Pastor Bob's Blog said...

I completely agree. Thanks for your comment...and HAPPY EASTER!