Monday, April 20, 2009


Readers of this blog are well aware that I'm a big fan of Susan Campbell, columnist for the Hartford Courant and author of the wonderful book DATING JESUS. Ms. Campbell is a voice of conscience who places before us issues that we really need to confront. Her impassioned pleas for action on behalf of the homeless and hungry have been both necessary and thought provoking!

If you still have access to yesterday's Courant, check out her column on the Boy Scouts of America and their policy regarding homosexuals in positions of leadership. What is most noteworthy about this column is that Ms. Campbell speaks so positively and from personal experience about the good work the Boy Scouts have done. In my view, this wonderful work makes this policy of discrimination all the more troubling!

In my ministry at church, I have been pleased and proud to be present as members of my congregation have received their Eagle Scout awards. I just wish that this organization which does such good work would seriously reexamine a questionable policy, one that detracts terribly from the good work they do. Actually, I wish they would learn a lesson from the Girl Scouts and promote a more enlightened and just approach to human sexuality in this place and time.

Once again, thanks to Susan Campbell!



Anonymous said...

I think I'm getting the jist of your theology. You value freedom and oppose any discrimination especially discriminiation of one's sexual orientation.

Does God discriminate? Yes. He discriminates between those who follow his son Jesus and his commandments and those who don't.
"If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth" (1John 1:6)

Freedom is the responsiblity to do what you ought to do not what you want to do.

Thank God for the Boy Scouts and their common sense. Homosexuals can not reproduce they can only recruit.

Pastor Bob's Blog said...

Actually, the GIST of my theology is that God has revealed both divinity and humanity in Jesus Christ, but I freely admit to valuing religious freedom and thinking quite highly of both the US Constitution and the First Amendment.

The notion that homosexuals are going to 'recruit' is not a fair one. It is based on a notion proven wrong in light of the awful sexual crimes perpetrated on others by people of heterosexual orientation as well.


Anonymous said... easy it is for some people to judge others and believe that THEY know what was in Jesus's heart and mind. I am the mother of TWO Eagle Scouts. And I can tell you right now that they are ashamed of the Boy Scouts take on homosexuality. Our family sees their homophobia as archaic. We have been proud members, the whole family, because that is what BSA is all about, Family. But we believe change happens when you stay involved and set a better example, otherwise we would have left the organization. BSA is more good than bad...and they recruit, Gay people do not.

Pastor Bob's Blog said...

I am with the writer of this comment! BSA is a wonderful organization, with a real blind spot on this issue!